Habitat News

Elephants Carbon Ecosystem Restoration

The African Conservation Foundation becomes Actor for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The African Conservation Foundation (ACF) has officially become an Actor for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The partnership recognises ACF’s critical role to build capacity for conservation and ecosystem restoration in Africa – engaging local NGOs and communities – for people, nature, and our climate. Led by the UN’s Environment Programme (UNEP)and Food and…

African tropical mountain forests

African tropical mountain forests store far more carbon than previously thought – new research

Tropical forests are well known for being the “lungs” of our planet. Through photosynthesis, the trees in these forests produce oxygen and remove enormous amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate global warming. The world’s most famous tropical forests found on lowlands, like those of the Amazon or Borneo, are celebrated for…

The long shadow of colonial forestry is a threat to savannas and grasslands

The long shadow of colonial forestry is a threat to savannas and grasslands

Tree planting to restore forests, capture carbon and improve the land has gained strong momentum in recent years. The Bonn Challenge and its offshoots such as AFR100, initiatives focused on forest restoration, have persuaded developing countries to commit millions of hectares of land to these projects. Funding for AFR100 has been secured from international donors…

Dispelling the top seven tree planting misconceptions

Dispelling the top seven tree planting misconceptions

“Plant more trees!” has become a rallying cry for global leaders and climate activists around the world who see tree planting as a solution for everything from climate change to food security. The growing interest in this area means it is more important now than ever before to consider effective tree planting that benefits communities…


Cameroon government cancels logging concession that threatens wildlife in virgin rainforest

A Cameroonian government decree allowing logging in a forest that is home to the rare Ebo gorilla and other endangered species, like chimpanzees, forest elephants and grey parrots, has been cancelled. The decree, which was signed mid-July, had sparked outrage among local communities and conservation groups. In total 68,385 hectares of virgin forest would be…

save ebo forest

Help prevent logging and save rare gorillas in Cameroon’s Ebo Forest

Rainforest Rescue released a petition protesting the Cameroonian government’s move to open 150,000 hectares of Ebo Forest – an area the size of Greater London – to logging.  The logging concessions would impact one of Africa’s great biodiversity hotspots. Ebo Forest is the habitat of a possible new subspecies of gorilla, as well as a…

Tree planting harmful

Planting Trees Will Not Solve the Climate Crisis

South African scientists say African governments have been misled into massive tree planting schemes by the Global North misreading Africa’s grasslands. Megafires and drought beckon. Trees are good. Trees are green. Trees suck up carbon dioxide. Ergo: plant as many trees as possible and you solve the world’s environmental and climate change challenges almost overnight….

The Soutpansberg Mountains, a box of secrets for conservation ecologists?

The Soutpansberg Mountains, a box of secrets for conservation ecologists?

By Chris Bell, Newcastle University An African leopard prowls silently through the undergrowth of the Northern Mist belt forests of the Soutpansberg Mountains. He knows every inch of this vast landscape, as this is his territory, where he has been the apex predator for the last 15 years. Measuring 2 metres from nose to tail…

Plastic recycling is not enough: we need to address plastic pollution at the source

Plastic recycling is not enough: we need to address plastic pollution at the source

While organisations, scientists, governments and activists from around the world debate on how to save the planet from plastic waste, how can they really begin to solve this issue when we have no facts about where exactly the pollution is or who is responsible? “Plastics are among the most ubiquitous materials in our economy, our…

Kenyan wildlife policies must extend beyond protected areas

Kenyan wildlife policies must extend beyond protected areas

At least 15% of the world’s surface is governed by laws to protect its living species, including plants, animals and fungi. But this is not enough. The most recent estimates suggest that an additional 30% of the planet’s surface needs further conservation attention. Without this additional protection the world will continue to lose large numbers of species. What does this look…