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Current Campaigns

Trail of the gorilla

Together with Australian wildlife artist Jason Roberts we have embarked on a captivating wildlife art project named “Trail of the Gorilla.” Jason’s mission spans a wide array of primate species, from the majestic lowland gorillas and chimpanzees to the colourful mandrills, the elusive drill, the charismatic red colobus, and numerous other wildlife species.

Throughout his journey, Roberts will be sharing a visual diary, capturing the beauty and essence of these incredible animals in their natural habitat. Upon his return to Melbourne, he will channel his artistic talents to create works of art aimed at raising both funds and awareness for the protection of these remarkable primates and their endangered rainforest home. “Trail of the Gorillas” represents a passionate and creative effort to ensure a brighter future for these magnificent creatures and the ecosystems they call home.

More will follow soon!

300GORILLAS: United by Nature

Our NFT collection unites wildlife enthusiasts to save Africa’s most endangered great ape.

Beyond fundraising, it brings together a global conservation community for lasting impact. Join us in this vital mission – and become a conservationist.

Cross River Gorillas

With fewer than 300 individuals estimated to exist in the wild, the Cross River gorilla is the world’s rarest great ape.

We’ve protecting Cross River gorillas since 2004, but with the ongoing biodiversity and climate crises, we urgently need to increase the number of Community Rangers to keep this rarest of species safe. We can protect them from imminent extinction if we act now.

Together, we make a lasting difference.

Join us in creating a healthier, thriving Africa where people and nature thrive together.