
African tropical mountain forests store far more carbon than previously thought – new research

African tropical mountain forests store far more carbon than previously thought – new research

Tropical forests are well known for being the “lungs” of our planet. Through photosynthesis, the trees in these forests produce oxygen and remove enormous amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate global warming. The world’s most famous tropical forests found on lowlands, like those of the Amazon or Borneo, are celebrated for…

Help prevent logging and save rare gorillas in Cameroon’s Ebo Forest

Help prevent logging and save rare gorillas in Cameroon’s Ebo Forest

Rainforest Rescue released a petition protesting the Cameroonian government’s move to open 150,000 hectares of Ebo Forest – an area the size of Greater London – to logging.  The logging concessions would impact one of Africa’s great biodiversity hotspots. Ebo Forest is the habitat of a possible new subspecies of gorilla, as well as a…

Size Matters: Forest Elephants Important For Ecosystems And Humans In West Central Africa

Size Matters: Forest Elephants Important For Ecosystems And Humans In West Central Africa

A new review paper finds that the loss of Africa’s forest elephants has broad impacts on their ecosystems, including hitting several tall tree species, which play a key role in sequestering carbon dioxide. Forest elephants disperse large seeds, keep the forest canopy open, and spread rare nutrients across the forest, benefiting numerous species across the…