
chimpanzee language

Chimpanzees combine pant-hoots and calls to form vocal sequences

A major challenge in evolutionary science has been the reconstruction of the evolution of language in the world. Given that language does not fossilise, a key line of research has been focusing on comparing the communication systems of animals with that of humans. Unique to human language is the capacity to flexibly recombine a limited…

A chimpanzee cultural collapse is underway, and it’s driven by humans

A chimpanzee cultural collapse is underway, and it’s driven by humans

Language, music, and art often vary between adjacent groups of people, and help us identify not only ourselves but also others. And in recent years rich debates have emerged and spawned research into culture in non-human animals. Scientists first observed chimpanzees using tools more than half a century ago. As this complex behaviour appeared to…

Large groups of Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees captured on camera trap footage in Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary

Large groups of Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees captured on camera trap footage in Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary

The highlands of South West Cameroon are a biodiversity hotspot that harbours unique but endangered species such as Cross River gorillas, chimpanzees, drill monkeys, forest elephants but also rare birds, amphibians and butterflies. The African Conservation Foundation (ACF) and Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF-Cameroon), have since…


Chimpanzees adjust communication to fill another’s knowledge gap

Adjusting communication to take into account information available to one’s audience is routine in humans but has been assumed absent in other animals. This assumption may be premature. Scientists Catherine Crockford and Roman Wittig from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and Klaus Zuberbühler from the University of Neuchatel show that wild…

Guinea approves creation of largest sanctuary for the West African chimpanzee

Guinea approves creation of largest sanctuary for the West African chimpanzee

The population of chimpanzees in West Africa has declined by over 80% in the last 20 years and in September 2016 they were classified as a critically endangered sub-species by the International Union of Nature Conservation (IUCN). As a result of this dramatic decline, the Government of Guinea has decided to implement its objective of…