Year: 2017

Conservation groups should remain resolute and say no to rhino horn trade

Conservation groups should remain resolute and say no to rhino horn trade

Why is the illicit rhino horn trade escalating? In South Africa, domestic trade of rhinoceros horn, forbidden since 2008, is about to become legal again. On April 7 2017, a court effectively overturned the national ban. This controversial move was welcomed by commercial rhino breeders, who argue that legalising safe, sustainable horn removal from living…

Hunting responsible for sharp decline in tropical wildlife and birds with 83% and 58%

Hunting responsible for sharp decline in tropical wildlife and birds with 83% and 58%

Hunting is a major driver of biodiversity loss, but a systematic large-scale estimate of hunting-induced defaunation was lacking until now. In a new study published in Science, an international team of ecologists and environmental scientists warns that bird and mammal populations decline sharply in zones of 7 to 40 kilometers around villages and roads where…

Eyes in the sky and on the ground: Engaging communities in forest conservation in the Cameroon Highlands

Eyes in the sky and on the ground: Engaging communities in forest conservation in the Cameroon Highlands

Arend de Haas, African Conservation Foundation, University of Buea The highland rainforests of South West Cameroon are among the oldest forests on the continent. They comprise the richest flora and fauna in continental tropical Africa. The area is one of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots. The region encompasses high levels of unique, as well…

Endangered African penguins stuck in ecological trap due to overfishing

Endangered African penguins stuck in ecological trap due to overfishing

New research indicates that juvenile African penguins are continuously foraging in areas of low food availability due to climate change and overfishing. The research conducted by an international group of scientists over the span of three years, highlights alarming results for the already endangered African penguin species, the only penguin endemic to the African continent….

Impending extinction of the world’s primates due to human activities; immediate global attention is needed to reverse the trend

Impending extinction of the world’s primates due to human activities; immediate global attention is needed to reverse the trend

Nonhuman primates, our closest biological relatives, play important roles in the livelihoods, cultures, and religions of many societies and offer unique insights into human evolution, biology, behavior, and the threat of emerging diseases. They are an essential component of tropical biodiversity, contributing to forest regeneration and ecosystem health. Current information shows the existence of 504…